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  Expert Help Engine - Features and Technical Specifications

    The Expert Help Hypertext Search Engine is a memory resident
    "search engine" designed to read and display information from
    all Expert Help and Norton Guides databases. Information is
    electronically cross-referenced and indexed for fast information

    Features Include:
    Can run in memory resident mode or as a standalone DOS program and
    is DesqVIEW compatible as well as Network compatible:

    100% compatible with all Norton Guides Databases: Over 100 topics
    are available.

    Requires only 1kb of main memory: Can run directly from expanded
    memory, using only 1kb of main memory. (64k is required if expanded
    memory is not available).

    Cut and Paste: Lets you mark any block of text
    and paste it into your application or DOS prompt.

    Cut and Print: Lets you mark any block of text and send it to
    your printer.

    25 through 60 Line Video Support: The Expert Help Engine
    dynamically adjusts to your current video mode.

    Auto Lookup: Automatically searches for the word at your cursor
    when you pop-up the engine.

    Global Searching: Can locate text anywhere in the Database.

    Sticky Window: Lets you view subject matter after returning to
    your work.

    Mouse Support: No need to remember key commands. Lets you locate
    information without using your keyboard.

    Configurable Colors: Pick your favorite combination.


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. !File: Long Entries Related Topics: !Short: The Menu Link Control File. !Name: The Search Engine (EH.EXE) The Database Composer !Menu:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson